Feel free to use one of the following logos as your myfantasyleague.com franchise or league logo. Just follow these simple instructions.
  1. Decide which of the following logos you'd like to use.
  2. Place your mouse over the logo. If you are running a Windows computer, press the right mouse button. On a Macintosh, press and hold the mouse button.
  3. Once the menu appears, select the Copy this Image Location option from the menu, if you're running Netscape. If you're running Microsoft Internet Explorer, follow these instructions:
    1. Once the menu appears, select the Properties option.
    2. From the Properties window, use your mouse to highlight the address of the image.
    3. Press and hold the Control key on your keyboard, and press the "C" key. This will copy the image location to your clipboard.
    4. Press the OK button.
  4. Return to the franchise or league setup page using your browser's Back button.
  5. Place your cursor inside the Franchise (or League) Logo URL text entry field.
  6. From your browser's Edit menu, select the Paste option.